Dr. George Irish Adds Two Books To His List Of Publications

One of Montserrat’s most prominent luminaries has published another two books adding to his already distinguished list of select publications.

The Right Honourable Professor J. A, George Irish’s latest books are “The Fire Within”, personal reflections on his life and his homeland, and ”Alliouagana Folkways” recording aspects of the folklore of Montserrat including local proverbs and popular idioms, some figures of speech and idiomatic usages, riddles, folk names and popular similes.   

Some of his other publications include “Life in a Colonial Crucible”, “Evolution of a Global and Diasporic Vision”, “A Medgar Evers Odyssey – 32nd Anniversary  of Caribbean Research Centre”, and “Set Me Free” – Musical Compositions among others.  

A native of Montserrat, Professor Irish has dedicated over 50 years of his adult life to researching and publishing materials on the social, political and cultural realities of his homeland, Montserrat and the immigration experiences of Caribbean nationals living in New York.

He has published 32 books, various newsletters from high school (MSS Venture) through university (Taylor Hall Venture), and thereafter in Montserrat (workers’ defense), and in New York, as well as referred journal, Wadabagei – a journal of the Caribbean and its global diasporas.

Professor Irish is a multi-talented social engineer, spiritual leader, academic, author, editor/publisher, Musician, labour leader and erstwhile political leader and international consultant on the education of Caribbean Creole-speaking students.  

In recognition of his scholarship and public leadership in education, culture, labour relations, cooperatives and national development, the Government of Montserrat has honoured him with the newly-instituted Order of Excellence and by establishing the annual Professor George Irish Lecture Series.

Professor Irish has also been honoured as founder of the Leeward Islands Debating Competition (LDC), which features the Annual Dr. George Irish Oratorical Award.

He also spearheaded the launching of the Windward Islands Debating Competition (WIDC) in St. Lucia in 2017.  


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