The Resilience of Montserratians Celebrated This Week

The resilience of Montserratians is celebrated this week.

The Montserrat Volcano Observatory is collaborating with the STREVA  PROJECT to mount an exhibition that honours the strength of the people on island through the last 23 years of volcanic experience.

Director of the MVO says the project is geared towards preserving memories of past volcanic eruptions.

Rod Stewart.

STREVA is an innovative interdisciplinary project that works collaboratively across different disciplines to develop and apply a practical and adaptable means to analyse risk. 

This has been used to generate plans that will reduce the negative consequences of volcanic activity on people and assets.

This has been led by the University of East Anglia in the UK.

The project brings together diverse researchers from universities and research institutes from within the UK and from those areas affected directly by volcanic activity.

Meantime listeners are invited to tune in at 8 o’clock tonight to hear more about the STREVA project.