Results from the MALHE Fishing Tournament 2023

The Ministry of Agriculture held what has been described as “another successful Fishing Tournament.”

Speaking at the closing ceremony on Sunday November 19, 203, Acting Premier, Hon. Charles Kirnon extended his congratulations to all the participants.

He stated that this event proves that Montserrat can keep the fishing industry running, adding that the fisherfolk should aim to keep bringing in large amounts of fish for local consumption.

Acting Premier, Charles Kirnon also hoping that more persons will participate in the next Fishing tournament which is scheduled for Labour Day next year.

President of the Montserrat Fishing and Boaters Association, Sheldon Carty, heralded the fishing competition as a successful one despite a challenging start.

He also encouraged young people to find a hobby they enjoy and spend time doing it.
A variety of prizes were distributed to participants who participated in the tournament totaling EC$10,000.

The prizes:

Largest Tuna - John Lee (Family Provider) - 6 lbs 

Largest Silk/Snapper- Jeffery Ryan ( Rainbow Runner) - 2 lbs

Largest Kingfish - Sheldon Carty (Optimum) - 20.5 lbs

Largest Wahoo - Lanvall Fergus (Zero Tolerance) - 62.25 lbs

Largest Barracuda - John Lee (Family Provider) - 10 lbs 

Largest Fish (Shoreline) - CPT Johnnie Howes - 4.25 lbs

Largest Fish (Boaters)-

(1st place) Lanvall Fergus (Zero Tolerance) -Wahoo 62.25 lbs

(2nd place) Sheldon Carty (Optimum) - Wahoo 35.50 lbs

(3rd place) John Lee (Family Provider) Wahoo 35.25 lbs

Largest Overall Catch (Boaters - Demersals)-

(1st place) Jeffery Ryan (Rainbow Runner)- 54 lbs

(2nd place) Alexander Berigue (Alexa) - 38 lbs

(3rd place) Javiere Adams (Lady D) - 22.5 lbs

Largest Overall Catch (Boaters - Ocean Pelagics) -

(1st place) Lanvall Fergus (Zero Tolerance) - 358 lbs

(2nd place) Sheldon Carty (Optimum) - 236.50 lbs

(3rd place) John Lee (Family Provider) 184.5 lbs

Largest Overall Catch (Shoreline)-

(1st place) Johnnie Howes - 13 lbs

(2nd place) Warrick Constable -4.75 lbs

(3rd place) Glenford Neptune -1 lb

Youngest Fisher- Daejon White (15 yrs) Barracuda - 5.5 lbs